
Essence of argen
Essence of argen

essence of argen

Don't bother calling the company either, it's all part of the scam to try to make you keep your card available to them for longer. It is now in the hands of the bank who have confirmed that it was definitely a scam and will be disputing the payment with the company on my behalf.ĭon't be foolish and fall for it like I did and be sure to cancel your card immediately if you make an error of judgement. I am so grateful to this website for making me realise before I was charged further as other people have experienced. I will not be trying these products as who knows what is in them, I certainly don't trust the packaging. The fact that products arrived at all is part of an elaborate scam, to make you think it is legitimate and not cancel your card. I never received a receipt of purchase and the transactions were taken from three different companies on my credit card statement, none of them were called "Essence. "Idrotherapy" is another scam company as well, also with a flash website but the same outcome of charging huge amounts at a later date. One was "Essence of Argan" and one was "Idrotherapy", but all from the same transaction and I thought at the time the same company, "Essence of Argan". The products arrived quickly and are terribly cheap looking, and from two different "companies". There are lots of companies who make skincare products, but this item is completely unique because this is made through 100 pure argan oil, and this is a proven formula. STAY WELL AWAY!! All of these reviews are correct. What is the Essence of Argan Well, the Essence of Argan is an anti-wrinkle serum made from the Argan tree native to Morocco. So I accepted my refund, cancelled my card and went to my bank for the rest anyway. sive faber rarius aut aurifex aut argen In cap. She said if I take legal action they would stop my refund. that they speak only against representing God as in His own essence, shape or form.

essence of argen

I told her to email me proof that it was cancelled and proof of the refund and I would claim the rest off my bank. I took it only because I wanted it back in my account. All of a sudden she changed her tune offering me only 80%back as a gesture of good will. Told her if I didn’t get my money back I would go to my bank fraud department and get it back tha. Asked to speak to a supervisor 2 times and refused. When I confronted them and asked for my money back they tried to say I hadn’t cancelled my account even though I had the proof in black and white. Derived from the nuts of the Argan tree, Essence of Argan Oil is rich in Omegas 3, 6, 9, Vitamin E and other gentle yet powerful properties, making it natures. I ordered this trial and after one month, cancelled the subscription and took a screenshot of the cancellation confirmation that Clearly states I will no longer receive products and my subscription has been cancelled.

Essence of argen